Thursday, February 9, 2012

I had a dream thought!

“I had a dream thought, that I wanted to communicate with a prolific female Canadian author. “

I wanted to make a dream come true. I wanted to project my “Fantasy” onto what I believe is mankind’s united dormant consciousness. It presents itself as one thing (like a dream or manifested dream material) and it’s called the Internet. I had a longing to be heard. Freud, I am sure could find the meaning behind my desire and attribute it to a castration complex. This is a Latent Dream though I attempted to embed onto the Internet in an (reversal of Freud’s way) accurate placement manner. Displacement is the way Freud finds his way around the endless possible position the unconscious mind might take on the placement of an object (of any sort) in a dream. Placement is the use of energy from an outside force on to the Internet to create the desired effect, to fulfill ones fantasies, or more appropriately to enjoy life through the fulfillment of ones goals, through play.
Achievement of my goal, of having a top Canadian female author respond to a placement of a Dream thought moves us into the realm of the uncanny. Knowing my prediction was going to come true as long as I obeyed the rules of direct placement produced a level of awe in others around me. The moment the Dream thought became reality the critical connection to many of my colleagues was multiplied to create a bond strong enough to yield an emotional event all of us close enough to have known the actual Dream thought to feel the uncanny together as one.

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